When you want to access your city or department's Geoteamz City backend portal. Follow the URL that was provided to your department and enter your credentials into the Login window. The window is shown below. 

Once you enter valid login details and have selected your own Jurisdiction you will then see the home screen for the Geoteamz City portal. I have circled a few key areas and points of interest. On the left hand side of the page you can see the Inbox which will display all of the active calls and incidents, GDL (Unit locations) and Hydrant information. You simply need to select the button directly below the inbox header and select which objects should display in the inbox window (filter what displays). 

On the bottom of the page you see the Applet Tray which you will see me reference several times and this is a direct copy of the mobile application layout, so this should look familiar. The last circled point it the map objects, you can see all of the important objects on the map and can cary your view by multiple zoom levels and map layers.  

Going back to the Applet Tray, If I want to open it I am going to click onto the upward facing arrow which is all the way on the right of the tray. by opening it you will see the screen below. 

In this expanded applet tray you now can see all of the features and configuration options available in the Geoteamz City portal. There are guides available for you to access these features so if you browse some more through the support portal that can help you out. I circled the Logout button for you as sometimes login/logout buttons are found elsewhere on web pages. 

You can also change the order of these applets and where they are placed in the Manage Applets section. Please reference that guide for more information.