Here is the section where you can enable and disable applets to be accessed in the Geoteamz City App. 

From left to right: Applet Name, Applet Type (Feature or Web), Description, and Status.


By selecting the Applet itself, you can see the basic details about the Applet. In this case I selected a Web applet. You can actually change the icon, name and URL to make shortcuts for various sites within the Geoteamz City app. You can also Create a web applet in the same way as the screen below. 

By selecting the other top level tabs from the Manage Applets menu, you can access the icon library to change the individual default icons for various applets. 

Quickly I will take a look at Comms to show you what I mean. 

Finally the last tab in the top level menu of the Manage Applets page is Order. Now here is where you can set the order for which the applets will show up in the applet tray through the Geoteamz City app. 

If an applet is not enabled, don't worry it won't show up in the app so typically you want to only worry about ordering the apps that are enabled.