The majority of the application revolves around being able to access the map and viewing objects. In the Geoteamz City app, every object can be accessed with a simple tap on the map icons (red phones, green hydrants, etc.) these can be created in the application on the fly or through administration. With the addition of custom object creation, the possibilities are endless in terms of what you can map out. 

If you were to tap anything on the map you will see a standard display of the information of that object which is outlined below:

You can see the name of the object, location, jurisdiction (your department), details, notes and more. 

Another thing you might notice is that some of the white text boxes have blue > side arrows which allow you to see the information in a larger or full side-menu view. 

One Last quick detail on the Map & Objects as a whole is that when you are looking to center on yourself when in route or looking to discover information around your own location it is now as easy as tapping the blue crosshair next to your current address location. 

If you are to tap the same blue crosshair button again you will then get into a driving mode (where the map will move 360 to depend upon the direction you are facing) it is the typical view for when you are traveling in a vehicle.