Using the Drop-A-Pin Feature

The Drop-A-Pin feature in PublicEye allows you to place a new object on the map to notify yourself or others of an incident that has not been plotted. This could include things such as Road Closures, Power Lines Down etc. You or others can even take photos/attach notes to the newly created object. 

Drop A Pin

To drop a pin, simply hold your finger down over the spot on the map where you would like to place the pin. This will create a red pin by default and bring up the object box. 

Change the Pin's Icon

Changing the pin's icon allows you to better display what the object actually is. To change it, tap on the red pin in the top left of the created object's box. This will bring up a scrollable box where you can choose from a list of various icons such as "downed tree" etc. Tap the icon of your choice to convert the object. 

Pin Visibility Settings

Pin Visibility allows you to choose who will see your object. There are three options:

  1. Public to All: By selecting "Public to All," everybody in your department with PublicEye will be able to see this created object. 
  2. Private to (Your Name): By selecting this option, any device that you log on to with your username will be able to see this created object, 
  3. Private to (Your Device) (Device ex. iPad): Choosing this option means the object will only be mapped on the specific device you are currently logged into.

Editing and Deleting the Object

To do tasks such as narrowing down the address or deleting the object all together, tap the two right arrows in the top left of the object box. From here, you can tap the garbage can icon which will delete the object. You can also tap paper and pencil icon to enter address information. 

After you tap the edit icon, you can tap "address." From here, the menu below will display. Simply enter the information and then tap "back." This will save the address you have inputted.

Rename Your Pin

You are also able to rename the header of the pin. By default, it will always include your home jurisdiction in the title. To do this, simply double tap on the header to bring up a prompt to change the text field.