Using Favorites in PublicEye

The Favorites option in PublicEye allows you to add specific objects on a map you would like to favorite. For example, a hydrant or surveillance feed. Setting an object as a favorite will make the object easier to find on the map and has a few additional benefits such as being able to save a 911 cell even if its cleared, or being able to keep showing the objects location even if your disable the showing of its object type.

Set A Favorite

Simply select any object. With its description visible, tap the star icon in the bottom object bar. You will see a star appear on the object. To remove it, simply tap the icon again. 

Show Only Favorites on the Map

To filter your map so that it shows only favorites, tap the "Favorites" applet in the top applets tray. This will activate a countdown that will display only your favorites until the countdown is up. To pause the countdown, tap "pause" in the top left corner of the map. To turn it off early, tap the "Favorites" applet again.