Navigating The MOL (Map Object List) 


The MOL is on the right side of the main menu of PublicEye. This list provides you with all the objects also featured on the map in a scrolling list. 

Navigating the MOL

To navigate the MOL, simply scroll up and down by sliding your finger over it. By default, it will only show 911 calls. 

Change the MOL

The MOL allows you to change between 911 calls or all objects. All objects will change based on your location or your selected/target object. The object closest to you will appear at the top of the list. To change this, simply tap on the menu bar that says "911 Calls (By Time)." 

Reveal More Info About an Object

When you want to be shown all information about any object, be it a 911 call, hazard, etc, simply touch anywhere on the specific object box to display all known information. 

Set Object as a Target

To set the object as a target such as a 911 call, tap the target icon in the bottom left panel. This panel will display any time an object is open. 

Navigate to Target

To navigate to the object, tap the right arrow icon in the object bar on the bottom.