Using GPS Navigation

In PublicEye, you're able to receive real time turn-by-turn directions from your current location to any object on the map right within the application. 

There are two ways to start navigating:

Object Menu: Open the drop down list on the object and tap "Navigate." 

From the MOL: Tap the right arrow on your current target. 

A GPS map prompt will open up. From here, you will be able to see your next turn with ease. In addition, this window is also able to be moved around the screen or closed. A line showing you your path from your current location will be drawn on the map. Only you will see this line. 

The Navigation window provides you with many options. From left to right:

Compass Mode: This will not only center your map on you, but will also rotate as you move down streets so it is always pointed North. 

Center: This simply centers the map on your current location. 

Sound Mode: If you need to not just view your directions but also have them read to you, tap this button. This will open traditional Apple Maps.

Clear: This will end the navigation. 

Done: This will close the navigation window but will still keep navigation running. To retrieve the window, tap the right arrow icon before the magnifying glass on the title bar.