The Evidence Applet

The Evidence Applet allows you to capture photo evidence and store it for a specific case.

Adding a New Case and Photos

To start, open up the Evidence applet from your tray or the menu via the "..." icon in the bottom right of PublicEye. 

To add a new case, tap the "+" icon. Under "Officer" it will show your name by default, but you may change that by tapping the text field. Once "+" is tapped, the right side of the applet will display a text field for "Case" and "Location." Add your case number to the first box and location of the case to the second.

To add photo evidence, tap the camera icon in the top right corner. 

Once photo evidence is added, you may add a caption by tapping the caption field next to photo. To the right, you can check it if you would like it to included in your email or delete it via the trash can icon. 

Send Evidence

Once a valid case number, location and at least one photo are inputted, you may send the evidence out. To do this, tap the right arrow icon next to the camera icon in the top right corner of the Evidence Applet. Tap "send" to send it out. 

Closing the Evidence Applet

Close the Evidence Applet by hitting "Back" in the top left corner.