Selecting Objects and Setting Targets

In PublicEye, you are able to select any object or specifically set it as a target. 

Selecting Objects

To select objects on the map, simply tap any object on the map. Alternatively, tap the designated "square" of information in the MOL. Doing either of these will bring up all information about the specific object.

Setting a Target from the Map

To set a target from the map, select any object. Once the information panel appears, tap the two right arrows icon in the top left corner of the information window. This will bring up a list. Tap "Set Target." 

Setting a Target from the MOL 

To set a target from the MOL, tap the small circle in the top left corner of each individual box. 

Clearing The Current Target

Clearing the current target will default it back to your location. To do this, simply tap the little grey circle above "My Location" in the MOL. 

Designating Selected and Target

In PublicEye, selected object and targeted object are two different things in order to help the user distinguish what they are currently viewing. 

Selected - What the user has tapped on the map or MOL to display more information.

Target - The designated target the user has chosen in order to distinguish it as the current highest priority.