Adding A Structure to Your PublicEye Server

Using PublicEye, you can add your own building plans and attach any kind of image or file you may want associated with it. An example would be attaching the four sides of a school building to the school's address or blueprints to a shopping mall. 

Adding a New Structure

To see these building plans on the devices, they need to be added to the system. 

Start by going to the "Structures" tab while logged in with the proper credentials. From here, click "Add" in the top right corner of the structures page. 

Fill Out The Structure Details

Once you click "Add," a new screen will pop up that will have you fill in as much details about the structure as possible. 

*After filling in the address, be sure to click "Geocode," which will automatically generate the latitude/longitude and provide a much more approximate location on your PublicEye map. 

Click "Save" when you are done to add it to the system. Once it is saved, you will see a new icon on your PublicEye map where the building is located. 

Attaching Files to A Structure

Now that your building is generated, you'll want to attach any documents associated with it. After you have located the PDFs/JPGs etc. for this particular structure, click "Edit" in the building's row on the main Structures tab. This will bring up all the details you originally entered. However, scroll down and you'll now see "Structure Files." Click "Add Files" to start importing your documents. You will need to do one at a time, however, you can add as many as you'd like. 

Click "Choose File" to attach the appropriate file. The title will be what this specific file will be listed as under this specific structure. 

Tags: By adding tags, you will make it easier to sort through what kind of file it is if you add many files to this specific structure. If the ones already in the database might not apply, feel free to add some via the text field that says "Custom Tags." 

Be sure to hit "Save" when you are done.