Adding Items to Roll Call

Roll Call allows administrators with the proper credentials to add information to the Roll Call applet. These could be things such as emergency classes, vehicles down for maintenance, BOLOs, Silver Alerts, etc. 

The Roll Call data is broken down into a few columns. 

Photo: Will display the photo you upload to this specific entry. 

Subject: This is where you'll the subject of the roll call. Examples: "Weapon Found - Glock," "TRAINING," "BOLO."

Roll Call Text: This is where you'll put all the text you'll want your team to know. For example, the details and location of the found glock or the last known location of a BOLO. Think of it as a "description" field. 

Expiry Start Date: This is the date where your roll call entry will go live. 

Expiry End Date: This is the date your roll call entry will come off the applet. Keep in mind these cannot be taken out of the system manually. For best results on something like a BOLO, enter a few days. For an upcoming training session, make sure it ends the day the session occurs. 

Group Name: This is where you'll see groups who have permission to see this specific entry. 

Add An Entry

To add an entry, login to your PublicEye server with the proper credentials. From here, click the "Roll Calls" tab. 

On the top half of the tab, you'll see where you can enter all of your roll call data (described above). 

From here, you will enter all of your information.

When you are finished, hit "Update" to add this entry to your Roll Call.