The Settings Applet

In PublicEye settings, you can adjust personal preferences as well as adjust camera quality and input settings for the terminal emulator. 

Open The Settings Applet

Based on where you have the applet configured, it will either be on the bottom of your screen in your Applets Tray or under the Applets menu. To access the menu, tap the "..." icon in the bottom right corner of PublicEye. Tap "Settings." 


The "About" tab will display in order: The current version of PublicEye that is running and the current user. 


PoliceCam allows you to adjust the recording quality of your devices camera. The higher the quality, the more space will be used on your device.


"Auto Lock while running" means your device will lock itself upon detection of running. 

"Distance" lets you change systems from miles to kilometers. 

"Notification Sound" means you will get an audio alert every time you receive a new notification.

"Spotlight Duration" allows you to change the time PublicEye will show a spotlight on an object. It is set to 15 seconds by default.

"Notify Before Minimizing the App" will alert you PublicEye is about to minimized in case you accidentally hit the home button on your device.