In PublicEye, groups can be created to send MMS messages to only certain individuals, such as Internal Affairs, for example. The Groups page is where you will be able to decide which users are in each group, along with their limitations and privileges within PublicEye. 

Accessing The Groups Function 

Login with the proper credentials into your PublicEye server. After this, click the tab labeled "Groups." 

Add A New Group 

Before you assign permissions to users, you must group them first. Perhaps you want to do it by Precinct. To do this, click "Add" in the top right under the Groups tab. A menu will pop up automatically. 

Name: Enter the name of the group. This is what will display through Group MMS. 

Description: (Optional) You may add a description here as a note for the server side as a reminder of exactly what the group is. 

Click "Save" to officially add the group. 

To change details about the group name, click "Edit" in the same row as the specific group. 

Deleting A Group

Click the trash can icon in the same row as the group you wish to delete. 

Add Users To Group

Assigning users to a group is the most important part of the process. This dictates who will be included in all Group MMS messages to this group, along with privileges. Click on "Assign Users" in the same row of the group. From here, a menu will display. Click "Add User" in the top right of the menu. You will now see a list of all available users on the PublicEye server. Check the ones you would like to add and click "Save." These users are now a part of your new group. 

Assigning A Module to A Group 

Assigning a module to a group allows the group certain privileges within the app, such as State License Checks, for example. To do this, click "Assign Module" in the same row of the group you wish to modify. A menu will display. Click "Add Module," which will display a new list. Here you will see all modules you may select. Click the checkboxes of the ones you wish to assign to this group. Click "Save" when you are done. 

Assigning Web Menu Privileges To A Group 

By assigning web menus to groups, you decide what the users in this group can and cannot see in terms of tabs when logging in to the PublicEye server. To give permissions, click "Assign Web Menus" in the same row of the group you wish to modify. Click "Add Menu" to display all the menu tabs not already assigned to the group. Choose which ones you would like to add and click the checkboxes. Click "Save" when you are done. 

Assigning Jurisdictions

Perhaps only certain groups in your municipality need access to multiple jurisdictions. As above, you have the ability to dictate who is allowed to see certain data. To manage this, click "Assign Jurisdictions" in the same row of the group you wish to modify. A menu will pop up. Click "Add Jurisdictions." Here you will see a list of all possible jurisdictions you may add. Check the ones you wish to add and hit "Save."