Using the PublicEye server, you can send out and receive Group MMS messages just like you would on any device. 

Getting to the Server Group MMS

To access Group MMS on the server, login to your PublicEye server. Click the "MMS" tab. 

Send A New MMS

To send a new MMS, click the "New Message" tab. 

Subject: This is what will appear in the top column of the MMS message.

Message: This will be the body of the text.

Media Files: Using this box, you can attach files such as photos to send them out. Once you have chosen your files, click "Upload." 

Assign To Groups

Once all bodies of your message have been filled out, you need to assign which groups will receive this message. To do this, Click the checkboxes next to the groups you would like to send it to that are listed. 

Finally, click "Send MMS" to send your MMS out to your selected groups.