Before an individual is able to use PublicEye on his or her device, it must be activated from the server. Users with the proper privileges have the ability to do this very easily from the PublicEye portal. 

Navigate To The Devices Page

Once you are logged in with the proper credentials, click the tab in the portal that says "Devices." Here you will see a list of all registered devices with your PublicEye software.

Adding A Device To The Server

To add a new device, click "Add" in top right under the "Devices" tab. This will bring up a menu asking you for device details. 

Device Details 

Device Name: This is what the server will identify the device as. 

Device Type: Choose the device this responder will be using PublicEye on. 

Department: Police, Fire, or EMS.

Check which one(s) apply to this device. For example, by checking police, you'll have access to see things such as warrants. By checking Fire, you'll have access to see items such as hydrants. 

Active: Check this to enable for current activity. 

ORI/Mnemonic: Input these details for running State Checks. 

GDL Details

This is where you will enter details for the device that will be seen by every PublicEye user on the map. 

GDL Identifier: This will be the name shown on the map. Example: Engine 22.

*The GDL Identifier should match the unit number in your CAD system if you want to use PublicEye to display responding details. If you want this connection to be based on the devices logged in user, please see the users badge number in the users settings*

Roll Identifier: This will be the name of the user displayed. Example: Officer James West. 

Vehicle Number: If set, the users icon will display the vehicle number in addition to the roll type icon. This field is limited to 5 characters.

Can Change GDL Tracking: This is where you will enable whether this device is authorized to turn on/off the GDL tracking.

GDL Tracking: Set this to on to default the device to track GDL or off to not track it. 

Role Type

Choose one of the many options. This is the icon that will display for this particular unit on the GDL map. 

Hit "Save" to add this device to the server. 

Activating The Device

Once a new device profile has been created (above), there will be a column in the row of this new user allowing you to click a button that says "Generate." This will display a screen with a unique activation code. With this displayed, open up PublicEye on the new device where you will find a screen asking you to input an activation code. Type in the code you see on the screen to activate the device with the server. 

Deleting A Device 

To delete a device permanently from the server, click the trash can button in the row of said device.