Usernames and PublicEye

PublicEye requires users to login on their devices in order to see certain information. All usernames are stored on the department's individual PublicEye server. 

Accessing the PublicEye User List

To access the user list, login to your PublicEye server with the proper credentials and click the "Users" tab. 

Adding A User

To add a user, click "Add" on the right side. This will bring up a prompt. Fill out every field which is required.

First Name, Last Name, Badge No, Username and Password, Confirm Password, Email, Cell Phone.

Check the "MMS Enable" box to allow this user the Group MMS feature. 

You may click "Choose File" to optionally give this user a photo. 

Click "Save" when you are done. 

You may also set user privileges at this screen. This includes the option to let the user choose if he/she can change their GDL tracker to on or off, enabling GDL on by default, and the option to show their email/cell phone when tapping on their GDL icon on the PublicEye map.